K-Substring with K different characters(sliding window)


Given a string S and an integer K. Calculate the number of substrings of length K and containing K different characters

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Problem Correction


String: "abcabc"
K: 3

Answer: 3
substrings:  ["abc", "bca", "cab"]
String: "abacab"
K: 3

Answer: 2
substrings: ["bac", "cab"]


for 里面I做end指针,直接用i-k,不用start指针了。

几大元素:start, end, map, count, size of substring(maybe)

这里count检测map进入1和退出0的情况,然后++ --

这里需要set 为了去重 比如重复出现的ab

class Solution:
    @param stringIn: The original string.
    @param K: The length of substrings.
    @return: return the count of substring of length K and exactly K distinct characters.
    import collections
    def KSubstring(self, stringIn, K):
        # Write your code here
        map = collections.defaultdict(int)
        cnt = 0
        res = set()
        strLen = len(stringIn)
        for i in range(strLen):
            c = stringIn[i]
            map[c] += 1
            if map[c] == 1:
                cnt += 1
            if i >= K:
                c = stringIn[i - K]
                map[c] -= 1
                if map[c] == 0:
                    cnt -= 1
            if cnt == K:
                res.add(stringIn[i - K + 1:i + 1])
        return len(res)

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