Partition Array by Odd and Even

Partition an integers array into odd number first and even number second.


Given[1, 2, 3, 4], return[1, 3, 2, 4]


对撞指针,quick select,不必递归


public class Solution {
     * @param nums: an array of integers
     * @return: nothing
    public void partitionArray(int[] nums) {
        // write your code here;
        if(nums == null || nums.length == 0)
        int left = 0, right = nums.length - 1, pivot = nums[left];
        while(left < right){
            while(left < right && nums[right] % 2 == 0){
                right --;
            nums[left] = nums[right];
            while(left < right && nums[left] % 2 == 1){
                left ++;
            nums[right] = nums[left];

        nums[left] = pivot;

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