Parking Dilemma

There are many cars parked in the parking lot. The parking is a straight very long line and a parking slot for every single meter. There are cars parked currently and you want to cover them from the rain by building a roof. The requirement is that at least k cars are covered by the roof.What's the minium length of the roof that would cover k cars? The function has the following parameters:

  • cars: integer array of length denoting the parking slots where cars are parked

  • k: integer denoting the number of cars that have to be covered by the roof


cars: [2, 10, 8, 17]
k: 3
output: 9
Explanation: you can build a roof of length 9 covering all parking slots from the 2nd one to the 10th one, so covering 3 cars at slots 2, 10, 8, there are no shorter roof  that can cover 3 cars, so the answer is 9


  • 1 <= n <= 10^5

  • 1 <= k <= n

  • 1 <= cars[i] <= 10^14

  • All slots token by cars are unique


排序后,间隔的数字的min diff

class Solution:
    @param cars:  integer array of length denoting the parking slots where cars are parked
    @param k: integer denoting the number of cars that have to be covered by the roof
    @return: return the minium length of the roof that would cover k cars
    def ParkingDilemma(self, cars, k):
        # write your code here
        n = len(cars)
        res = float('inf')
        for i in range(n-k+1):
            res = min(res, cars[i+k-1] - cars[i])
        return res+1

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