Group Shifted String

Given an array of strings (all lowercase letters), the task is to group them in such a way that all strings in a group are shifted versions of each other. Two string S and T are called shifted if,

S.length = T.length 
S[i] = T[i] + K for 
= i 
= S.length  for a constant integer K

For example strings {acd, dfg, wyz, yab, mop} are shifted versions of each other.

Input  : str[] = {"acd", "dfg", "wyz", "yab", "mop",
                 "bdfh", "a", "x", "moqs"};

Output : a x
         acd dfg wyz yab mop
         bdfh moqs
All shifted strings are grouped together.


a c d -> 2 1
d f g -> 2 1
m o p -> 2 1

一组里的数之间diff相等,所以每个str都算出来c->c diff,比如2,1.为了好做存成‘ab'

map: diff -> list of strs

import collections
class Solution:
    def getDiff(self,str):
        n = len(str)
        diff = []
        for i in range(1,n):
            d = ord(str[i])-ord(str[i-1])
            d = chr(d+ord('a')) if d > 0 else chr(26+d+ord('a'))
        return ''.join(diff)

    def groupShiftedString(self,strs):

        map = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for s in strs:
        res = [i for i in map.values()]
        return res

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