Swim in Rising Water

On an N x Ngrid, each squaregrid[i][j]represents the elevation at that point(i,j).

Now rain starts to fall. At timet, the depth of the water everywhere ist. You can swim from a square to another 4-directionally adjacent square if and only if the elevation of both squares individually are at most t. You can swim infinite distance in zero time. Of course, you must stay within the boundaries of the grid during your swim.

You start at the top left square(0, 0). What is the least time until you can reach the bottom right square(N-1, N-1)?

Example 1:

Input: [[0,2],[1,3]]
Output: 3
At time 0, you are in grid location (0, 0).
You cannot go anywhere else because 4-directionally adjacent neighbors have a higher elevation than t = 0.

You cannot reach point (1, 1) until time 3.
When the depth of water is 3, we can swim anywhere inside the grid.

Example 2:

Input: [[0,1,2,3,4],[24,23,22,21,5],[12,13,14,15,16],[11,17,18,19,20],[10,9,8,7,6]]
Output: 16
 0  1  2  3  4
24 23 22 21  5
12 13 14 15 16
11 17 18 19 20
10  9  8  7  6

The final route is marked in bold.
We need to wait until time 16 so that (0, 0) and (4, 4) are connected.


2 <= N <= 50.
grid[i][j] is a permutation of [0, ..., N*N - 1].


此题和trapping rain water 类似,建立一个三元组的类,包含x,y,height

利用priority queue,此处lamda 来表示comparator, init priority queue可以不需size


int[] dir = {-1,0,1,0,-1};这种四个方向遍历x,y坐标很好用

class Solution {
 class Cell {
    int x;
    int y;
    int height;
    public Cell(int x, int y, int height) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.height = height;
    public int swimInWater(int[][] grid) {
        int n = grid.length;       
        PriorityQueue<Cell> pq = new PriorityQueue<>((a,b) -> (a.height - b.height));
        boolean[][] visited = new boolean[n][n];
        pq.offer(new Cell(0,0,grid[0][0]));
        visited[0][0] = true;
        int[] dir = {-1, 0, 1, 0, -1};//这种x,y的递增写法很好用。
        int ans = grid[0][0];
        while(!pq.isEmpty()) {
            Cell cur = pq.poll();
            ans = Math.max(ans, cur.height);
            if(cur.x == n - 1 && cur.y == n-1) {
                return ans;
            for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                int nx = cur.x + dir[i], ny = cur.y + dir[i + 1];
                if(nx < 0 || ny < 0 || nx >= n|| ny >= n || visited[nx][ny]){
                pq.offer(new Cell(nx, ny, grid[nx][ny]));
                visited[nx][ny] = true; //不要忘记标记visit数组!!!!!

        return ans;

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