Number of restaurants双指针


Give aListof data representing the coordinates[x,y]of each restaurant and the customer is at the origin[0,0]. Find thenrestaurants closest to the customer firstly. Then you need to pick n restaurants which appeare firstly in theListand the distance between the restaurant and the customer can't more than the longest distance in thenclosest restaurants. Return their coordinates in the original order.

1.Coordinates in range [-1000,1000] 2.n>0 3.No same coordinates

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Problem Correction


Given : n = 2 , List = [[0,0],[1,1],[2,2]]
Return : [[0,0],[1,1]]
Given : n = 3,List = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,1],[1,0]]
Return :[[0,1],[1,2],[2,1]]



错了很久的是 q传入 时候被改变。顺序变了不能用q找出该有的顺序了。

class Solution:
    @param restaurant:
    @param n:
    @return: nothing
    def nearestRestaurant(self, restaurant, n):
        # Write your code here
        q = []
        res = []
        if not restaurant or not n or n > len(restaurant):
            return res 

        for ii,i in enumerate(restaurant):
            q.append((ii,i[0]**2 + i[1]**2))
        qq = q[:]
        p = self.findNth(qq,0,len(q)-1,n)

        cnt = 0
        for v in q:
            if v[1] <= p[1] and cnt < n:
                cnt +=1
        return res

    def findNth(self,q,s,e,n):
        # if s==e:
        #     return q[s]

        l ,r = s,e
        p = q[l]
        while l < r:
            while l < r and q[r][1] >= p[1]:
                r -= 1
            q[l] = q[r]

            while l < r and q[l][1] <= p[1]:
                l += 1
            q[r] = q[l]
        q[l] = p
        if l == n-1:
            return q[l]
        elif l < n-1:
            return self.findNth(q,l+1,e,n)
            return self.findNth(q,s,l-1,n)

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