Binary Subarrays With Sum

n an arrayAof0s and1s, how manynon-emptysubarrays have sumS?

Example 1:

Input: A = [1,0,1,0,1], S = 2
Output: 4
The 4 subarrays are bolded below:


A.length <= 30000
0 <= S <= A.length
A[i] is either 0 or 1.


用presum,一个map存sum:count, 每次+= map(cursum-target)

map初始0:1 因为要考虑sum=target的情况


class Solution:
    def numSubarraysWithSum(self, A: List[int], S: int) -> int:
        mm = {0:1}#要包含正好相等的情况
        res = ss = 0
        for i in A:
            ss += i
            if ss-S in mm:
                res += mm[ss-S]
            mm[ss] = mm[ss] + 1 if ss in mm else 1
        return res

#         res = count = s = e =0
#         ll = len(A)

#         while e < ll:
#             if A[e] == 1:
#                 count += 1
#             e+= 1
#             while count == S and s < e:
#                 res += 1
#                 if A[s] == 1:
#                     count -= 1
#                 s += 1
#         return res

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