search anagram in the source word
比如 ccccta cat return index: cta :cat
import collections
# variable used: Two Pointer start and end with fixed length of target string. Two Map records character and counter for both source string and target string
# 1. End pointer always ahead of start pointer. End pointer keep going until: 1 end pointer reach to the end, 2 meet the fixed length of target string.
# 2. Check if the answer is found, otherwise increase the start pointer and update source map, then go back to step 1
# 3. Valid function compares the count of each char for two map.
#test case
#"dog","odg" -> 0
# 'am','aa' -> -1
# 'caa','a' -> 1
# '','' -> 0
# 'a','a' -> 0
# 'a','ac' -> -1
# "cccctcaaattt","cat" -> 4
class Solution:
def subsetsWithDup(self, source,target):
:type nums: List[int]
:rtype: List[List[int]]
if not source and not target:
return 0
if not source or not target:
return -1
tcount = {} #character and counter for target string
scount = {} #character and counter for source string
for i in target:
tcount[i] = tcount.get(i,0) + 1
l =end = 0 # two pointer start and end
sn,tn = len(source),len(target) # length of target and source string
while l < sn:
if end < l:
end = l
# update end pointer
while end < sn and end - l < tn:
scount[source[end]] = scount.get(source[end],0)+1
end += 1
# return result if exists
if end<= sn and self.isValid(scount,tcount):
return l
# update start pointer
scount[source[l]] -= 1
l += 1
return -1
def isValid(self,source,target):
for i in target.keys():
if i not in source or target[i] != source[i]:
return False
return True
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