Find Right Interval


Given a set of intervals, for each of the interval i, check if there exists an interval j whose start point is bigger than or equal to the end point of the interval i, which can be called that j is on the "right" of i.

For any interval i, you need to store the minimum interval j's index, which means that the interval j has the minimum start point to build the "right" relationship for interval i. If the interval j doesn't exist, store -1 for the interval i. Finally, you need output the stored value of each interval as an array.

  • You may assume the interval's end point is always bigger than its start point.

  • You may assume none of these intervals have the same start point.

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Example 1:

Input: intervals = [(1,2)]
Output: [-1]
There is only one interval in the collection, so it outputs -1.

Example 2:

Input: intervals = [(3,4),(2,3),(1,2)]
Output: [-1, 0, 1]
There is no satisfied "right" interval for (3,4).
For (2,3), the interval (3,4) has minimum-"right" start point;
For (1,2), the interval (2,3) has minimum-"right" start point.


starts做数组排序,loop end找到pos, 有则插入res,否则-1

找pos可以自己写二分,查找的arr是[(start,index in intervals)]

用bisect_left的话,找到arr是[starts], 返回index需要在start_index map里找对应index。


1 自己写二分

Definition of Interval.
class Interval(object):
    def __init__(self, start, end):
        self.start = start
        self.end = end

class Solution:
    @param intervals: a list of intervals
    @return: return a list of integers
    def findRightInterval(self, intervals):
        # write your code here
        start_index = [(val.start,index) for index, val in enumerate(intervals)]
        def findNearestIndex(end, starts):
            s,e = 0,len(starts)-1
            while s+1 < e:
                m = s + (e-s)//2
                if starts[m][0] >= end:
                    e = m
                    s = m
            if starts[s][0] >= end:
                return starts[s][1]
            if starts[e][0] >= end:
                return starts[e][1]
            return -1
        res = []    
        for i in intervals:
            idx = findNearestIndex(i.end, start_index)
        return res

2 用bisect


1找不到bisect_left 返回的是len


Definition of Interval.
class Interval(object):
    def __init__(self, start, end):
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
from bisect import bisect_left
class Solution:
    @param intervals: a list of intervals
    @return: return a list of integers
    def findRightInterval(self, intervals):
        # write your code here
        start_index = {val.start:index for index, val in enumerate(intervals)}
        starts = sorted(start_index.keys())
        right_index = lambda x : bisect_left(starts, x)
        res = []    
        for i in intervals:
            idx = right_index(i.end)
            if idx < len(start_index):
        return res


利用stack只存end, 把start end打散成点排序,loop所有点,遇到start弹出end栈内所有比它小的end,存结果,遇到end就入end栈,注意end栈存的是end index

Definition of Interval.
class Interval(object):
    def __init__(self, start, end):
        self.start = start
        self.end = end

class Solution:
    @param intervals: a list of intervals
    @return: return a list of integers
    def findRightInterval(self, intervals):
        # write your code here
        ps = [(val.start,True,i) for i,val in enumerate(intervals)] +  [(val.end,False,i) for i,val in enumerate(intervals)]
        endsStack,res = [],[-1]*len(intervals)
        for p, isStart, idx in ps:
            if isStart:
                while endsStack: #注意此处是while 不是if 所有比当前start小的end都弹出来进入结果
                    res[endsStack.pop()] = idx
        return res

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